Ultimo collegamento
79 Vista | 0 Commenti

Identità personale

Age39 anni
qui aRelazione seria
livello accademicoNon specificato
Paese Italia
City Terricciola, Tuscany
origine Italia
Stato civilesingolo
FumareNon specificato
JobNon specificato

Il mio fisico e +

In cerca di uomo
Colore occhi marrone
Colore capelli Blonde
Tipo di corpo Normale
Formato 134 cm
peso 46 Kg
Avere figli No
Vuoi avere figli
Mosso dall'amore
La religionealtri

un po 'di me

I came to this dating site to find an adult and experienced man for a serious relationship. I will not play and play with feelings. I am not at age to waste time in such things. I need a real and sincere relationship. For me, there are no borders in the form of oceans and thousands of kilometers. I am ready to come to my man. If you are looking for a woman with serious intentions and prefers real life, let's start something big. I grew up in a very good family with very high moral standards.

Cosa mi aspetto dal mio partner

I'm not looking for a prince on a white horse, and I'm not looking for a man who will get me a star from the sky. I am looking for a simple, kind, caring man who, like me, wants to share the joy of living together and a happy family. I want a man with whom I will go through life together holding his hand, and feel protected next to him. I believe that a man and a woman should always be a support and support for each other, and life companions. I want to meet a person who is serious.

I criteri che dovrebbero essere rispettati

Nessun criterio è stato personalizzato

Conoscere me


Viaggi passeggiate Animali

Gusti musicali

Nazione Classico Jazz

Sport preferiti

Nuoto A passeggio Tennis


Shopping Tra amici Cinema

Come animali domestici?

, dog, dog

Bevi alcolici?


Cucine preferite

messicano Italiana arabo

Film preferito

action movies

Canzone preferita

love songs



Servizi gratuiti


100% gratuito

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